Lip Aesthetics
What is Lip Aesthetics? How to do it? Is There Any Harm? What are the prices?
Lip aesthetics; It is the process of correcting lips that have thin lips or have been deformed over time for various reasons, through aesthetic surgery. Lip thickening does not necessarily have to be exaggerated. It is always possible to achieve a natural result with light-medium thickening.
Today's Most Common Methods for Lip Thickening Applied for Lip Aesthetics:
1) Foreign fillers - Silicone injection is prohibited in lip aesthetics due to its harmful effects and is not performed by aesthetic doctors. Hyaluronic acid is used temporarily to make the lip edges more prominent and is repeated every 4-6 months. There are also more permanent types of these types of fillings (several years). Implants, which are completely permanent and placed with a minor local intervention, are also used.
2.) Lip plumping with its own texture- Fat injection is highly preferred for this purpose. There are no side effects such as allergies etc. More permanent results are obtained if repeated several times within 3-6 months. In addition to fat, placing the dermis tissue inside the lips with a small local operation may also be useful. For this purpose, an old surgery scar (appendicitis, cesarean section, etc.) is removed and the scar is corrected and the lip is thickened with the dermis tissue of this scar.
3) Intra-lip tissue flaps - It can be combined with fat injection, especially in young women and those who require very thick lips. It can be performed with local anesthesia, and the dissolvable stitches remain completely inside.
Recovery Time
Recovery Time: Fat injection and lip thickening procedures performed with an inner-lip flap are operations performed under local anesthesia and are easier for the patient, but the recovery period is not shorter than other aesthetic operations. It should be known that the lip may remain swollen for at least a week. As it is known, lip tissue is one of the tissues that swells most quickly. In this case, it is best to perform lip thickening at the same time as another plastic surgery (for example, aesthetic nose and lip thickening). Thus, the recovery period for two operations occurs simultaneously.